Removing GSD WordPress Users

How to Delete a WordPress User Account

For site security and performance, it is important to regularly review your site’s editors and remove user accounts of editors who no longer need editorial access.

  1. Login To Your Sites Administrative Dashboard (https://your-site-url/wp-admin/)
  2. Navigate to the User Screen (https://your-site-url/wp-admin/users.php)
    • Select “Users” from Dashboard Menu
      Screen Shot of WordPress Dashboard Menu with an arrow pointed to the Users menu item

    • Select “All Users” from the Users’ sub menu
      Screen Shot of WordPress Dashboard Users' Submenu with an arrow pointed to "All Users" Item

  3. Select Users to be deleted by selecting the checkbox beside their username
    Screenshot of WordPress User Admin Screen, showing an example of a selected user

  4. From Bulk Options, above the user table, select “Delete”, then activate the “Apply” button
    Screenshot: WordPress User Admin Screen showing "Bulk Options" Select list with an arrow pointed to "Delete" option

  5. If the user to be deleted has created content on the site, the content must be assigned to an active editor or the content will be deleted with the user account.
    Screenshot: Content Attribution Screen

Remove HarvardKey Authorization

In addition to removing an editor’s user account from your site, it is also important to remove their Authorization. For most of the GSD’s WordPress sites, editorial authorization is managed via an access list. Removing a former editor’s email address from the access list prevents that editor from using their HarvardKey account to recreate their editorial account without the site owner’s approval.

  1. From the WordPress Administrative Dashboard, navigate to the Authorizer Settings Screen (https://your-site-url/wp-admin/admin.php?page=authorizer)
    ScreenShot: WordPress Dashboard Menu Authorizer Option Selected

  2. Review the Authorizer Access List, Select the ” Block / Ban” Button
    ScreenShot: WordPress Dashboard Authorizer Access list with an arrow pointing to the ban button

Having Trouble Removing Site Users?

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